Let’s Learn Photoshop (LLPS) is a program organized by the college committee of Kolej Tun Dr Ismail (KTDI). It was held on Friday, 22nd of April 2022. The program was held on the weekend and was split into two slots, where there is a break during the lunch hour. The program was held from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM, with a break between 12:00 PM and 2:30 PM. This program is in collaboration with Inisiatif Jana Kemahiran Siswa Resak (SINAR) which is a KTDI Student College Committee (JKM) program carried out throughout 2021 and 2022.

The program was promoted widely and was not limited to only students of KTDI, instead, it was open to all UTM students and staff as well as the general public. The objective of this program is to teach participants how to use Adobe Photoshop to improve their editing and design skills, develop creative and innovative thinking skills, give them exposure to future career opportunities as well as understand the importance of grasping designing skills.

The program was a highly interactive class where Encik Marzuqi was able to give a hands-on session with the participants and give some tips on creating designs on Adobe Photoshop. The participants had the opportunity to share their designs and show them to all the participants to further initiate interaction between the tutor and participants. The program was successfully held with diligent commitment from the committee members, the hardworking Encik Marzuqi, and amazing participants.