Februari 7, 2025

Ihya’ Ramadhan Iftar Meal Distribution: A Dignify Practice of Almsgiving

Ihya’ Ramadhan Iftar Meal Distribution was a program organized by Badan Dakwah dan Kerohanian (BADAR), under Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) in a collaboration with Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa KTDI throughout Ramadhan month.

This program is an initiative to help, mainly B40 students and other students to get meal in this holy month. Besides, this is a dignify practice of almsgiving with the Muslims who were fasting.

On 18th April 2022, during Ihya’ Ramadhan Meal Distribution, our Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs), YBRS Prof. Dr. Shamsul bin Sahibuddin have joined a few other TNCHEP Staff to distribute the meal for the students.

KTDI principal, Lieutenant Colonel Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Noor Azli bin Hj. Ali Khan, Fellows of the College, and Student Residential College Committee (JKM) also helped to distribute the meal and made the program merrier.

Since 5th April 2022, this meal distribution program started at 4.45 p.m. For KTDI students, 100 packs of food and drinks were given everyday.

The distribution prioritized B40 category students who stayed at KTDI. Then, the rest of the meal were distributed to other students using the concept of first come, first serve.

The program went well and students were welcomed warmly when they came to take their meal for iftar of the day. Token of appreciation was also given to the VIP who attended the program.

After the distribution was over, principal, Student Residential College Committee (JKM), and Fellow of KTDI took some photos with the VIP’s and also our Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs)

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