A visit to MHE-Demag Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)-Ocean Thermal Energy Centre (OTEC) team was held to strengthen the collaboration between the two parties.
MHE-Demag Malaysia is working together with UTM-OTEC team under Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (STREPS) OTEC Project. MHE-Demag specializes in manufacturing and supply of Overhead Cranes and Parts.
As for this project, the company will install a 10-ton single bridge girder hoist crane in the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)-UTM OTEC Centre located at UPM International Institute of Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences (I-AQUAS), Port Dickson.
This hoist crane will be needed for assembling, moving and taking care of the maintenance of Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (H-OTEC) equipment.
The visit begins with a sharing session about the company and their services by MHE-Demag Malaysia Division Manager, Mr. Eddy Ng, who is a UTM Alumni accompanied by the Senior Project Engineer Mr. Muhammad Syakir Rozali.
UTM-OTEC team also was given an opportunity to visit the production sites, warehouses and offices in the premise. A lot of information and knowledge about hoist crane manufacturing were shared by the team.
After the visit, both parties discussed on several matters regarding the SATREPS OTEC project and their future plan of action pertaining to the installation of 10-ton hoist crane.
Mr. Eddy Ng shared more details on the carbon footprint reduction practiced by MHE-Demag Malaysia and their achievements. Compared to their base year in 2017, their energy intensity (MWh/sales) and emission intensity (tCO2e/sales) have reduced by 23% and 29%, respectively.
Besides, 30% of electricity in the factories are generated from renewable sources.
On top of that, MHE-Demag Malaysia is actively hiring potential fresh graduates and experienced professionals to join the company.
As part of the collaborative action, UTM-OTEC was given the honor to assist in promoting the job opening through our social media, academic network, as well as UTM Career Centre, to all students and alumni of UTM.
UTM-OTEC team would like to thank MHE-Demag Malaysia team for making the visit fruitful. A lot of information sharing and understanding were established between the two parties.
Special wishes and gratitude to Mrs. Florence Tan from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Malaysia office for joining us in the visit and supporting the SATREPS OTEC team.

Original Post: https://otec.utm.my/2022/02/utm-ocean-thermal-energy-centre-visit-to-mhe-demag-malaysia-sdn-bhd/