Prepared by: UTM Senior Lecturer, Ts. Dr. Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rani
On 10th March 2022, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Architecture Programme had conducted the International Architectural Research Colloquium 2022 between Brno University of Technology (BUT), Czechia and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
This event is a continuity from the previous International Design Colloquium 2022 which was a version for architecture undergraduate students.
During this event, the selected postgraduate students have to present their research based on their current progress.
This event, which was chaired by Ts. Dr. Shahariah Norain Shaharuddin, had started with a welcoming speech from the Director of Architecture Programme, UTM, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alice Sabrina Ismail.
There were three expert panels from UTM Architecture school who had participated in this event: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khairul Anwar Mohamed Khaidzir, Dr. Aiman Mohd. Rashid and Ts. Dr. Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rani.
Meanwhile, BUT Architecture school was represented by three expert panels who were Ing. Arch. Radek Toman, Ph.D., Ing. Arch. Jiri Palacky, Ph.D. and Ing. Arch. Jan Kristek, Ph.D.

Three students from UTM Architecture school had also taken part.
They were Thomas T. Aule (‘Exploring Socio-Cultural Meanings and Values for Sustainable Indigenous Housing Transformation’), Nabilah Zainal Abidin (‘Using 3D Modelling Program in Identifying Ergonomic Properties of Traditional Malay Furniture of Malaysian Architectural Heritage’) and Mahsa Khatibi (‘Critical Design Development of Sustainable Neighbourhoods’).

The representatives from BUT were Vaclav Sana (‘Material History, Planetary Urbanization Pilgrims by the World Ocean’), Marie Joja (‘Interpretation of Temporary Structure in the Context of Activation of Abandoned Sites’) and Katerina Cenovska (‘Shrinking Cities: Alternative Ways of Urban Planning’).
This event was conducted over more than three hours.
The presentation had started with the students from BUT, and followed by UTM.
During the session, the expert panels had discussed and given some recommendations on how the students could enhance the quality of their research.
This online platform has many advantages for both institutions. It also provided a platform and opportunity to share their expertise and promoting the strengths of each university.
Furthermore, each participant, especially the presenters, can improve and learn from each other.
Overall, this event had resulted in positive feedback for both universities.
Among others, it can lead to many other collaborations that can be done in the future which will help strengthen bilateral networking between the two universities.