Februari 19, 2025

‘Herstory Health and Wellness Day’: Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD) Corporate Social Responsibility Programme

Prepared by: Mohd Hatta Md Sodari

Women’s health focuses on the aspects of well-being that are directly related to women.

Bone health, gastrointestinal stress, reproductive and hormonal issues, and urinary incontinence are the examples of physical, mental and social components, as well as disorders that affect women’s quality of life.

Herstory Health and Wellness Day broke through the cultural stigma around gynaecological diseases to prevent delays in treatment.

The event also highlighted mental illness, diabetes diseases and the importance of daily self-care, early detection and prevention.

With pure intentions, the Cosmeceutical and Fragrance Unit of Institute of Bioproduct Development (IBD), in collaboration with Sateera Biontech Sdn. Bhd. conducted a corporate social responsibility (CSR) programme to give message to women about their daily personal care and health on 9th January 2022 at Ecoworld Gallery @ Eco Business Park 2.

With the key message on “Love, Care, Speak”, the objectives of the programme were to educate women to ‘love, care and speak’ and to pay more attention to their daily personal care, health and wellness from the scientific point of view.

This event addressed solutions on improving the quality of life to make them feel more confident and happy too.

The foundation of beauty is health so through this CSR programme, the society would be reminded that only those who “love, understand and do not hide themselves” are beautiful and confident women.

Among the speakers of the day are Consultant Obstetrics and Gynaecologist of Columbia Asia, Dr. Quek Yek Song, with the topic “Common Problems in Women’s Health – Cyst, Fibroid and Cervical Cancer”, Medical Doctor General Practitioner (GP) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Health Centre, Dr. Noor Hafizah Zaihanah Mohd Nur, with the topic “A Black Dog”, Consultant Internist of Columbia Asia, Dr. Goh Boon Ser, with the topic “Prevention of Diabetes” and Senior Lecturer of UTM and Research Fellow of IBD, Dr. Nur Izyan Wan Azelee, with the topic “We Are What We Wear”.

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