Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA) had organized USR: University Social Responsibility ’21 event on 24th April 2021.
The annual social program aimed to guide teachers to improve their technical skills for the maximum use of various online platforms in their teaching and learning (T&L) process.
The main objective of the program was to help teachers to adapt to the online teaching and learning method especially during this pandemic. It acted as a platform to enhance their quality of teaching thus providing an interesting and interactive T&L environment.

Several workshops were held through Google Meet platform to share the technical knowledge with the theme of “OBS Workshop” conducted by Encik Nadzreeq Bin Nor Majid, “Telegram for Teaching and Learning Workshop” by Cik Krisnavenii and “Canva Workshop” by Encik Mohamad Nizam bin Ahmad.

Additionally, Internet Safety Talk was held by Ms Hazinah binti Kutty Mammi and Ms Rashidah binti Kadir to raise the awareness upon the participants about the security risk that they might be exposed to when browsing through the Internet and provide them with some advice on ways to protect themselves against the Internet attack.

This program had successfully left positive impact on the participants and fulfilled the service responsibility by helping teachers and parents to construct a conducive online learning environment as it is essential to provide the best education for students in Malaysia.
In conclusion, this event had run and was wrapped up smoothly with over 178 participants and viewers.