Fusion 2021 was a national symposium hosted by myHCI-UX; Association of Human-Computer Interaction Malaysia, an ACM local chapter. Under the track UX-Hackathon, myHCI-UX organised a specialised programme to honour young creative minds for undergraduate students from all around Malaysia to compete in a design event that solves problems and contributes to a meaningful, short-term project, which took place on the 19th of August 2021.
Students were given ten minutes to present their design concepts at the event, followed by five minutes Q&A session and were judged by professionals from major national institutions and industry.
Two projects from the School of Computing, UTM were submitted and exhibited. Nurul Atiqah Piakong presented her final year project, “SmartCage UTM: Online Monitoring System for Recycled Waste Cages in UTM,” and a group of students, Hamzeh Wahed Bajbouj, Rafah Ragheb Omar al-Qirshi, and Muhanned Darwesh, presented their group project, “SporMap: Map-based Sport Application to Gather People,” from the SECV2113 Human-Computer Interaction course. Aside from fixing the difficulties at hand, both projects focused heavily on UI/UX features, with both solutions receiving high accolades from their target audiences.

Both were awarded silver medals.
In the next round of the UX-Hackathon, we plan to send more submissions, as the students will undoubtedly be exposed to the significance of UI/UX as demanded by the industry today. UI/UX is currently being taught in the School of Computing, under the course Human-Computer Interaction SECV2113.
Here’s the complete list of UX-Hackathon winners: https://drive.google.com/file/d/132qWUzSeynP3JUSp8V-L_5dXFRxnYaSA/view