Dr. Razli Ramli – Seasoned Islamic Finance Expert is AHIBS’ New Kid on The Block

Prepared by: AP. Dr. Rossilah Jamil

Welcoming our newest faculty member, Dr. Razli Ramli, an expert in Islamic finance with 25 years of experience in the industry. His proficiency lies in transforming traditional banking and financial processes into Shariah-compliant operations.

He is one of the council members of Bank Simpanan Nasional’s Shariah Committee and serves as an independent and non-executive director of the board in Wasiyyah Family Office Sdn. Bhd.

As the Director of Shariah and Business Advisory Department of Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (a Bank Negara Malaysia’s founded institution), he has advised more than 130 Islamic funds including Islamic Real Estate Investment Trusts and local and international asset management companies worth more than RM24 billion.

Dr. Razli sits in the Think-Tank Group of Jabatan Wakaf, Zakat, and Haji (JAWHAR) under the Prime Minister’s Department, Malaysia. He was involved in the Think-Tank Group for the amendment of the Hire Purchase Act (HP Act) 1967 into an Islamic Hire Purchase Act.

Since 2014, he has been serving as the Panel Member by the Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA), international and independent quality assurance and accreditation body for the Financial Services Industry (FSI). He is part of the panels to develop professional development programs for financial institutions in Malaysia under the Asian Institute of Finance (AIF).

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