Prepared by: Dr. Muhammad Faizal Bin Abdul Rani (UTM Senior Lecturer)
From 2 until 20 August 2021, the Faculty of Art and Design from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia had organized the International Virtual Course (IVC) 2021. Due to restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, this event was held online to substitute the original summer school programme offered by ITB previously.
For this year, the theme was PLACESENSE: REFRAMING MOVIE SET – A SPATIAL EXPLORATION. In this IVC 2021, all students and lecturers had explored a short movie interior set design to identify the perceived experience, arisen impact, and explain other related factors.
The IVC 2021 kicked off with opening remarks from the Dean of Faculty of Art and Design ITB, Dr. A. Rikrik Kusmara. This was followed by a speech from the Head of Study Programme, Dr. Yuni Maharani and lastly from the Head of Programme, Ibu Mutiara Ayu Larasati.
There were eight lecturers from Malaysia and Indonesia who had delivered their lectures over three days. They were Dato’ Prof. Ts. Dr. A. Razak Hj. Mohaideen and Ts. Hafshizam Hashim (Film Department, Universiti Teknologi MARA), Dr. Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rani (School of Architecture, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)), Dita Gambiro (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia), Allan Sebastian (Production Designer/Art Director, Indonesia), Riar Rizaldi (Artist/Filmmaker, Indonesia), and Yogie Candra Bhumi and Dwi Hatmojo Danurdoro (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia).
The participants for IVC 2021 were from Indonesia, Malaysia and also France. Ten students from the School of Architecture UTM had participated in IVC 2021. They were Tan Yan Hua, Uzma Bahiyyah Jamal Abdol Nasir, Yee Leng Jess, Muhammad Saifudin Aiman Abdul Rahman, Nurhidayah Mohd Nor, Fara Alika Frizahesya, Cheng Hui Yen, Carol Teh Jing Yee, Abhivachan Altair and Nur Arman Amin Mat Jusoh.
Through a short movie interior set designed for various explorations, students can observe, analyse and arrange spatial design elements and principles to effectively deliver the message and spatial experience to the audience/observer in the following stages: problem identification (1) – conceptual approach (2) – idea exploration and final design (3). The students can virtually present and discuss their work with the other students and tutors in each stage.
The event ended with closing remarks from the lecturers and the giving away certificate ceremony to the respective lecturers virtually. This event was beneficial, especially for the UTM students to start networking with other students from different countries.
At the same time, they were exposed and learned from others’ work and experience. The students also can develop their confidence level indirectly through this. By participating in this kind of event, UTM abled to demonstrate its students’ capabilities to the world.