On 19th September 2021, Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa (JKM) Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) had arranged an Annual General Meeting (AGM’21). The objectives of this meeting were to provide exposure to the activity and development of JKM KTDI for the 2020/2021 session and to appoint the new committee members of JKM KTDI for the 2021/2022 session.
The meeting started with the arrival of guests and VIPs. The guest of honour was the Principal of KTDI, Lt Col Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Noor Azli bin Hj. Ali Khan. Meanwhile, the other guests included the council of fellows, the committee of JKM (2018/2019 – 2021/2022 session), and the committees of clubs under JKM KTDI such as the Reserve Officer Training Unit of land and sea, Aksara Resak, Gamelan KTDI, Pencak Silat and Gen-i.

There was a singing of Negaraku, Keunggulan Terbilang and the KTDI athem song, followed by the doa recitation and speech from the principal. At 8:30 p.m., the meeting had officially started with a speech from PK Syukrina Fikriyah as the Chairman of the meeting before passing to the Secretary of JKM KTDI 2020/2021, Siti Hamidah to present on activity report and Exco KPI report. Next, a financial report of the year was presented by Rakesh a/l Kannapathy.
Activity and Exco KPI report of 20/21 Programs during 20/21 session Excos in JKM KTDI 20/21 Yearly financial report of 20/21 Financial report in 20/21 session
The next agenda was a Q&A session from a survey that had passed to the KTDI residents. The scope of the survey and questions were about the KTDI facilities, JKM programs and welfare of KTDI residents.
Q&A session from distributed survey Public facilities category Welfare category
After that, PK Mohamad Muizzuddin gave a speech for the dissolution of the JKM KTDI 20/21 session committee and then the moment that all waiting for was the announcement of JKM KTDI 21/22 session committee. The meeting was then followed by the speech of the new president, PK Muhammad Nur Izzuddin. The meeting ended with a photo session with all the attendees of the meeting. Best wishes and good luck for the new leadership line of JKM KTDI!
PK Mohamad Muizzuddin, president of JKM KTDI 20/21 giving his last speech