Prepared by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alice Sabrina Ismail (Director Architecture program)
A Collaborative Design Colloquium organised by the Architecture Program UTM and UTM Alumni was held on 2nd September 2021. It was an online design discourse for discussion on the future design development of UTM Alumni Hub.
The event was officiated by the UTM Alumni Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hisyam Rashidi and attended by architecture students and academic staff from Architecture Program UTM and Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Tanjung Pura (UNTAN), Indonesia.
There were four prominent architecture panellists represented by Special Interest Group Architecture Alumni (SIGAA) during the event, Ar. Mohd Kamaludin bin Adam, Ar. Saifudin bin Ahmad, Dato Ar. Nur Haizi Abdul Hai and Ar. Jasmeet Pal Singh Sidhu to provide input and design to the students’ proposal design work for the development of UTM Alumni Hub.
Four proposed design projects of UTM Alumni Hub were presented by four groups of architecture students involving 20 Bachelor of Architecture students from UTM and six more from UNTAN. This session was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alice Sabrina Ismail, Director of UTM Architecture programme.
This collaborative design discourse was an initiative to involve prominent architecture alumni in contributing to the development of the UTM Alumni Hub project, sharing their expertise on many aspects of the built environment, and allowing for a richer exchange of knowledge with students and academic staff.
Since the UTM Alumni Hub project is to strengthen and promote alumni bonding with the existing UTM communities, create awareness and knowledge, and stimulate involvement by all parts of society, the design development phase of this project will continuously involve many feedbacks from diverse alumni backgrounds until its completion targeted to be in the year of 2025.
Leveraging the alumni community will ensure them as significant stakeholders to actively participate in the institution’s developmental activities. This will strengthen collaboration between the University and alumni in continuously providing intellectual and human resources to the University.