Inisiatif Jana Kemahiran Siswa Resak (SINAR) is a program organized by the Fellow Council (Majlis Felow) in collaboration with the Student Residential College Committee (JKM) which will be conducted throughout 2021 and 2022. SINAR provides a free of charge platform for KTDI college residents and also open to UTM campus residents as a whole to improve their skills through various courses. The program was inaugurated by the honourable Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Shamsul bin Shahibuddin on 27 March 2021.
In order to realize the noble aspirations of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM JB) in the UTM Envision 2025 Plan, the KTDI Fellow Council has undertaken an initiative to empower students in organizing various courses to generate micro skills and improve self-quality in making students competitive and competent in various aspect.

(Principal of KTDI)

The courses under the SINAR are expected to help students to remain competent, skilled as well as in line with the needs of the current world. All students can seize the opportunity to improve their skills through the courses that will be provided and can increase the potential for success of job marketability. Besides, the objectives are to train and develop progressive and competent students in the off-campus employment industry and to make KTDI as a transformation agent for skilled students in addition to creating knowledgeable campus residents.

In addition, on 27 March 2021, SINAR had successfully organized the first initiative which is a Basic English course using an online platform, Webex with a total of 30 participants consisted of UTM students. For this first initiative, we invited a representative from the KTDI Fellow Council, Ms. Nur Amalina.
We are hoping that this program will catch the interest of all UTM students as we are going to organize more short courses e in the near future. Besides, we are considering doing the next initiatives physically instead of online and let the participants communicate with the speaker face-to-face. For our upcoming initiatives, we are going to organize Basic French Course, Basic Financial Management Course, Basic Social Etiquette & Protocol Course, Basic Guitar Playing Course and other courses. So, stay tuned for more updates.