Prepared by: Omar Khaled Elhossiny Mohamed Abouelmagd, Lim Wei Sheng, Syed Abdul Quddus Al-Khered , Lai Xiao Tong, Luqman Al-Hakim Ghani and Assoc. Prof. Dr Yeong Che Fai
UTM won Champion, 3rd Place and four special awards in The Great Lab (TGL) Grand Design Challenge 2020 which was held on 12 December 2020. The Great Lab is a prestigious annual competition organised by the Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science & Technology (CREST).

The Champion Award winner team, named Pillit has managed to come out with a Smart IoT Medicine System that makes sure that elders with chronic diseases are taking the right medicine at the right time.
The team comprises Omar Khaled Elhossiny Mohamed Abouelmagd (4th-year Mechatronics Engineering), Lim Wei Sheng (4th-year Mechatronics Engineering), Syed Abdul Quddus Al-Khered (4th-year Software Engineering), Lai Xiao Tong (4th-year bioinformatic Engineering) and Luqman Al-Hakim Ghani (3rd-year Software Engineering). The team was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr Yeong Che Fai from the Faculty of Engineering.
In total, they have won 4 awards:
- Champion – RM3000 cash
- The James Dyson Foundation Special Award – RM 3000 cash
- Best Project Award (Digital Healthcare)
- Best Presenter Award
The team is also thankful to Assoc. Prof. Dr Ahmad ‘Athif Bin Mohd Faudzi from the Faculty of Engineering to help them reach patients and hospitals for their validation studies.

Meanwhile, the 3rd Prize winners were Belal Yahya Hussein Al-Tam ( 2nd-Year Biomedical Engineering Student), Hashed Moqbel Abdullah Farea Al-Naeem (1st-Year Software Engineering Student), Ebrahim Hassan Abdelfattah Ahmed (2nd Year Electrical Engineering Student) and Yousef Gamal Abdulmajeed Ahmed (3rd Year, Mechanical Engineering Student, University Of Malaya). They were supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohamad Shukri Bin Zainal Abidin and Dr Mohd Saiful Azimi Bin Mahmud.
Their project title is Falcon Tech (Weeding Robot) where they have developed a solution to Paddy Weeds Elimination to be able to eliminate it without using chemicals which is using Automated Mechanical Weeding which is an integrated system between Robot and Drone.
They won 2 awards:
- 3rd Place – RM1000 cash
- Best Project Award (Precision Farming)

The Great Lab Grand Design Challenge 2020 is a competition organised by the Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (CREST) and aimed to encourage students in understanding challenges in the industry and community, innovating ideas into workable solutions and convincing industry judges that could potentially be your partners, investors or even employers.
The competition took place beginning in early March 2020 where 15 teams were shortlisted by winning preliminary rounds from iUM Disrupt, IoT Hack-APU, Malaya Makerthon, Forkwell Hackathon, 2020 Mathematical Modelling Industry Challenge, 2020 TGL Smart City Hackathon, 2020 TGL Precision Farming Hackathon, 2020 UM IDP, 2020 UTM Grand Challenge, TGL Summer Workshop, AI, Machine Learning and Autonomous Bootcamp, Digital Healthcare Bootcamp and Precision Farming Bootcamp.
In November, all the 15 teams were evaluated in the regional stage and 5 teams were shortlisted to participate in the Grand Finale on 12th December 2020.
