UTM Alumni Talk ’20 or better known as UAT ’20 was a program organized by the Student Residential College Committee (JKM) 2020/2021 in collaboration with UTM Alumni on 22nd December 2020. The program was streamed virtually through Facebook live as the main medium and officiated by Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) Principal, Lieutenant Colonel Professor Madya Dr. Mohd Noor Azli bin Hj. Ali Khan.
The goal of UAT’20 was to share the knowledge and experience of UTM Alumni in the engineering discipline and entrepreneurship with students and other program audiences. The program had opened an opportunity to get closer with the UTM Alumni society while learning from their experience in the engineering field. Among topics that had been discussed during the talk was the future of an Engineer after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since the program was held virtually, the students were able to leave their questions in the comment section of Facebook live. The committee members of UAT also had shared a link to Google Form to collect questions from students to be highlighted during the talk session.
Among the speakers in the program were Mr. Mohamad Fathi Kamil bin Mohd Tahir, the Resident Engineer of Surbana Jurong Consultants PTE, LTD, Ir. Ammar bin Mohd Rashid, the Director of AMR Environmental Sdn. Bhd., and Dr. Ruzimi bin Mohamed, the CEO of IMI Creative Sdn. Bhd.

The most interesting sessions in the program were the sharing of the working journey and experience from the speakers as well as a brief singing show by KTDI Aksara Resak Club at the end of the program.
The current pandemic should not put a hindrance in encouraging students to join co-curricular activities. This kind of program is not only able to broaden the students’ soft skills and knowledge, but it can also provide an outlet for them to release any stress during the e-learning academic session.