JOHOR BAHRU – In an era of interdependence, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) sees the importance of partnerships to ensure its relevancy and ability to be the source of new knowledge and innovation and become providers of skilled personnel and credible credentials; contributors to innovation; attractors of international talent and business investment. All these aspects are pivotal in driving our nations’ economic growth and elevating the livelihood of the community.
Hence, held virtually for the first time on 17th December 2020, UTM 2020 AIMS4STAR Award honored its private and public partners via eight collaboration categories and 15 award recipients for the year 2019 & 2020. Themed “Energising Quad Partnership” – AIMS4STAR stands for Academia, Industry, Government and Society for Synergistic Transformation in reflection of UTM commitments to realize sustainable development and shared prosperity goals at the national and global level.
According to Datuk Prof. Dr. Fauzi, who is the Acting Vice-Chancellor of UTM at the time, “although a physical programme was planned, we have decided to shift it to a virtual mode due to the current situation and continue the biennial tradition of celebrating UTM longstanding friendship and the flourishing partnership with industry, government agency and NGO’s”.
This was also echoed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Johari, “the role of industry is vital in the development of a university. There are many benefits from increased collaboration between academia, industry, alumni or other partners. 2019 and 2020 have been the years of significant achievements for UTM and despite this year being an unprecedented one for all, we have thrived forward in carrying out impactful programs.”
Through a live stream, 15 awards were presented virtually by various directors from UTM and messages of gratitude were also expressed by the awards recipients. The awards were given as a recognition for the recipients’ contributions in our Research, Endowment, Academic, Alumni Relation and CSR Projects with a special category for the Best Industry of the Year Award. Johor Port Berhad, UMW Corporation Berhad, ALCON Johor and many more were amongst the recipients of the award. UMW Corporation Berhad garnered the Best Industry Award for 2020. Congratulations to all award recipients!

The event can be viewed at