Prof Ts Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad Elected as Chairperson for Malaysia Green Building Council (Malaysia GBC) Southern Chapter 2020/2021

The Malaysia Green Building Council (Southern Chapter) had successfully held the 2nd Annual General Meeting in Johor Bahru on 7 July 2020 since its establishment in 2019. The meeting was the first e-AGM conducted due to COVID-19 pandemic and Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) in the country. The e-AGM started at 8.30pm via Microsoft Team and attended by all active members from various backgrounds including Professionals, Academicians, Corporate and Industry Players and students.  Furthermore, the e-AGM was witnessed by 5 representatives from Malaysia GBC Headquarters.

Over the 2019/2020 session, MalaysiaGBC was led by Mr Tai Eefan as the first chairperson. Varieties of awareness events were successfully organized in collaboration with local authorities and public institutions: Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), Majlis Perbandaran Pasir Gudang (MPPG), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Green Suppliers and Manufacturers as sponsors throughout the term. The events held included Green Expo, UBBL38A Awareness Forum and OTTV & RTTV Calculation Workshop, Green Development & Innovation Conference, Case Study Building & Networking Visit, and other green awareness events for public and professionals throughout 2019/2020.

The newly elected Chairperson for MalaysiaGBC Southern Chapter, Prof Ts Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad from the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU) is also currently the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development) of UTM. Other than Prof Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad,  3 academic members from FABU UTM were re-elected as board members 2020/2021: Mdm Tantish Kamaruddin (Quantity Surveying Programme) as Honorary Secretary, Ar Chan Wai Lai as Honorary Treasurer and Dr Leng Pau Chung both from Architecture Programme as Committee Members.

The new chairperson hopes that the new team will continue to roar and serve the community to increase green awareness, especially among the professionals, academicians, industry players as well as southern region community. The e-AGM was adjourned at 1015pm.

Board Members of MalaysiaGBC Southern Chapter 2020/2021

Chairperson:               Prof Ts Dr Mohd Hamdan Ahmad

Vice-Chairperson:       Mr Tai Eefan

Honorary Secretary:    Mdm Tantish Kamaruddin

Honorary Treasurer:    Ar Chan Wai Lai

Committee Members:

  1. Mdm Alexis Chia Hui Ching
  2. Mdm Maimunah Jaafar
  3. Ar Lee Kim Fui
  4. Dr Leng Pau Chung
  5. Ar Haji Ismail Bin Ros
  6. Mr Alan Tan Kok Siong

Article Prepared By Dr Leng Pau Chung

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