Januari 30, 2025

Pemakluman Terkini COVID-19 Di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dengan ini mengesahkan, setelah dimaklumkan oleh pihak Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah pada 14 Mac 2020 bahawa seorang daripada peserta luar (bukan staf atau pelajar UTM) telah menghadiri kursus jangka pendek pada 7-8 Mac 2020 bertempat di UTM Kuala Lumpur telah didapati positif COVID-19 dan peserta tersebut sedang menerima rawatan di Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan kini sedang berada dalam keadaan stabil. 

Pihak Pengurusan UTM telah dan sedang berusaha memastikan tahap kesihatan dan persekitaran kondusif yang maksimum di semua kampus. Antara langkah segera yang sedang dan akan dilaksanakan adalah seperti berikut:

  1. Dua orang staf UTM (sekretariat kursus) telah hadir ke Pusat Kesihatan UTM untuk pemeriksaan lanjut dan didapati salah seorang merupakan hubungan terus (close contact) dan seorang  lagi tidak berhubung secara terus (brief contact). Kedua-duanya tiada sebarang simptom. Staf yang disahkan sebagai close contact kini menjalani kuarantin di rumah (Home Surveillance) selama 14 hari dan layak menggunakan Cuti Kerantina Bergaji Penuh sepanjang tempoh kuarantin tersebut. Pusat Kesihatan berdekatan kediaman staf tersebut akan membuat pantauan dalam tempoh kuarantin.
  2. 25 peserta luar dan dua Instruktur luar yang telah dikesan mempunyai hubungan terus dengan peserta ketika berkursus juga telah berjaya dihubungi dan diarah untuk mendapatkan rawatan dengan SEGERA di Hospital Kerajaan yang berdekatan. 
  3. Bilik kuliah yang digunakan untuk kursus tersebut telah dibersihkan mengikut prosedur Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). 
  4. Pihak universiti memohon semua staf sentiasa mematuhi langkah-langkah pencegahan bagi mengelakkan penularan COVID-19 sepertimana yang digariskan oleh KKM dan UTM.

Seluruh warga UTM dinasihatkan untuk kekal tenang dan tidak sama sekali menyebarkan maklumat tidak sahih berkaitan penularan wabak ini demi menjaga keharmonian umum.

Maklumat terkini perkembangan jangkitan COVID-19 ini boleh didapati dari Facebook UTM Community atau melalui hotline berikut: UTMJB: 010-800 1337; 011-3334 0646 dan UTMKL: 016-7962100.

Kesemua maklumat rasmi berkaitan perkara ini hanya akan dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat Hal Ehwal Korporat. Adalah diharapkan agar seluruh warga UTM dapat memberikan kerjasama dalam memastikan penularan COVID-19 ini dapat dikawal dengan baik. 

Sekian, terima kasih.

Pejabat Hal Ehwal Korporat
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
14 Mac 2020


Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), after being informed by the District Health Office on 14 March 2020, would like to confirm that one of the external participants (exclude UTM staff or students) who attended a short course in UTM Kuala Lumpur from 7-8 March has been tested positive for COVID-19, which is now receiving treatment at Kuala Lumpur Hospital and in a stable condition.

UTM Management has always put a healthy and conducive environment as a top priority at all campuses. Among immediate actions that have been put in place are:

  1. 2 UTM staff (secretariat) had present to the university health centre for health screening and it was identified that one of the staff had close contact with the patient while another one only had a brief contact. Both did not show any of the symptoms. The staff who had been identified as close contact is now undergoing quarantine at home (home surveillance) for 14 days and entitled to Quarantine Paid Leave throughout the quarantine duration. The Health Centre nearby the staff’s residence will do the monitoring.
  2. 25 external participants and 2 external instructors who were identified having direct communication with participants during the course were successfully identified and were asked to seek for medical treatment IMMEDIATELY at nearby hospitals.
  3. The lecture room that was used as the venue for the course had been cleaned according to the procedure stipulated by the Health Ministry.
  4. The University is requesting that all staff should always be vigilant and adhere as preventive measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 as stipulated by KKM and UTM.

UTM community are advised to stay calm and refrain from spreading unverified news about COVID-19 to avoid panic and maintain public order.

Latest update about COVID-19 will be available at UTM community Facebook page or through the following hotlines:
UTMJB: 010-800 1337; 011-3334 0646 dan UTMKL: 016-7962100.

All official statements about COVID-19 in UTM will only be issued by the UTM Office of Corporate Affairs. It is hoped that UTM Community will give full cooperation in ensuring that COVID-19 outbreak is controlled and contained.

Thank you.

Office of Corporate Affairs
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
14 March 2020

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