Februari 21, 2025


おはようございます Ohayougozaimasu and assalamualaikum! About 8 students from 3rd year Bachelor of Chemical Process Engineering (SMJC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia were selected to join the winter school program organized by Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Tokyo for two weeks long, starting from 16th February until 29th February 2020.

Two weeks in TUAT was filled with knowledgeable and interesting activities. Each day throughout the program, these students have taken the Japanese language & Culture class in the morning and the Environmental & Energy Engineering lecture later in the afternoon. Both classes were conducted by an experienced and expert lecturer from TUAT. Aside from the insightful lectures and classes, they also joined laboratory visits to their lecturer group research in TUAT.

On top of that, the aforementioned students also engaged in Industrial visits to Fuji Film in Odawara, Kanagawa site. They studied the film making and were introduced to other items of Fuji Film. They also went to a cultural visit at Fuchu City Forest Museum in Fuchu city to experience its history and sightseeing the beautiful plum tree flower (Ume). We would like to express our gratitude to both MJIIT and TUAT for giving these students the opportunity to join this memorable and precious program.


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