Batu Pahat – Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Komputer (PERSAKA) coordinated a delegation program to visit the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FSKTM) in Universiti Tun Hussien Onn (UTHM), Batu Pahat on 27 February 2020. This delegation was led by Muhammad Nazirul Asyraaf bin Halid, director of Delegation: School of Computing 2020.

Upon arrival, the Dean of FSKTM, Ts. Dr. Azizul Azhar bin Ramli welcomed PERSAKA’s delegation team and gave a brief introduction about the establishment of UTHM. He was also looking forward to more future collaborations with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).

Deputy Dean of Academic and International of FSKTM, Ms. Munirah binti Mohd Yusof briefed about the courses offered and the establishment of FSKTM. She felt honoured that PERSAKA had chosen UTHM for their delegation program. Meanwhile, Dr. Suhaila binti Mohamad Yusuf, Student Development Coordinator, School of Computing (SC), UTM gave a brief introduction about SC courses and its academic structures.

President of PERSAKA, Nurul Atiqah binti Piakong and president of ITC, Muhammad Shazuwan bin Mohd Nordin both shared with the delegates developments made by both organizations in hope that PERSAKA and ITC can learn and improve from each other.

After the photography session, ITC members took the delegation team for a tour around FSKTM to visit their specialized labs in FSKTM. PERSAKA was also brought to tour around UTHM to see the facilities offered in the university such as Masjid Sultan Ibrahim UTHM and UTHM Tunku Tun Aminah Library.

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