Comp Fair’19 bring the “4th Industrial Revolution as Business and IT Mining Balancing”

On 12 December and 13 December 2019, PERSAKA organized an event, Comp Fair’19, which was the largest annual IT event held with the specialty of academic and IT knowledge by the students of School of Computing. Comp Fair’19 aimed to make an impact on society by holding activities such as academy talk, comptizen talk, forum and town hall. Comp Fair’19 was set to bring forth the “4th Industrial Revolution as business and IT mining balancing” as its main theme.

For the opening ceremony, Comp Fair’19 had invited the Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Mohammed Rafiq bin Dato’ Abdul Kadir and Chairman of School of Computing, Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Wan Mohd Nasir bin Wan Kadir to join the students for the town hall session.


For academy, Comp Fair’19 introduced incredible topics conducted by highly experienced people for students to get hands-on with the expanding world of computing such as “Machine Learning Using Phyton” conducted by Miss Dalila Al-Husna from Synapse Innovation Sdn Bhd, “Design Modern and Elegent UI/UX with Figma” conducted by Mr Muazzim Mansor Sanusi, the co-founder of Kuhosu Studio, and lastly “Basic of Capturing the Flag” conducted by Mr Abdullah Ahmad Alsolaiman our very own UTM CyberX.

Comptizen talk was a new way of talk which allows the speaker to interact with the audience for a certain theme such as “Building Mobile Application Efficiently Using  Software Architecture” conducted by Mr Fauzi from Synapse Innovative Sdn Bhd, “Design The Right Things & Design Things Right” conducted by Miss Ayu also from Synapse. Meanwhile, “Manage Stress & Obtain Peace of Mind” was conducted by Mr Nurul Aziz from our UTM Counseling Centre and last but not least “Making your CV Irresistible,” conducted by Madam Amirah Mahsudi, our UTM Alumni.

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