Februari 2, 2025

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norliza Mohd Noor Invited as a Speaker at IEEE SPS Winter School 2019 on Multi-Modal Signal Processing in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norliza Mohd. Noor, Electrophysiology (EPL) research group leader from the Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was invited as a speaker at the IEEE SPS Winter School 2019 on Multi-modal Signal Processing (WSMSP). This event was organised by IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter from the 28th November – 1st December 2019 at Dhaka, Bangladesh.

This Winter School on Multimodal Signal Processing (MSP) would enable undergraduate/graduate students and academic/industrial researchers to combine information from various sources such as speech, vision, text, language, etc. for research, academic, o  r industrial applications. Through case studies and interactive skill acquiring sessions, participants would be able to enhance their abilities and interest to involve MSP in practical implementations or automation.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norliza Mohd. Noor was invited to share her expertise on Machine Learning for Disease Classification that was scheduled on 28th November 2019. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norliza Mohd. Noor shared many interesting knowledge for the audience at WSMSP 2019 in her speech which received a big round of applause from the audience. Dr Norliza Mohd. Noor thanked the IEEE Signal Processing Society for the opportunity given and her presentation (audio and video) will be submitted to the Signal Processing Society Resource Center.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norliza Mohd Noor with all participants of WSMSP 2019

Token of appreciation given to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norliza Mohd Noor for her amazing speech.

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