A total of 4 students from Kolej Datin Seri Endon (KDSE), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Collage Representative Council went to conduct Diversity Abroad Program in Melbourne, Australia from 17th till 23rd September 2019. A visit to the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne and a few Melbourne tourist attractions by KDSE students was done in order to see the advancement of facilities and technology provided for People with Disabilities (PWD) in Melbourne and Victoria, Australia.

The visit aimed to conduct research on how the government initiative to design its city to give easy access for their PWD to roam freely around its Central Business District (CBD) while doing business, just like a normal person would be. Besides, the high-tech facilities and public structure are built to enable PWD to walk independently throughout the city, doing activities and not being restricted. Not only that, a single mother who brings their sons with strollers and an old couple in their 80’s could also get benefits by using these facilities. The accessibility refers to the product and environment designed for people with disabilities such as wheelchairs and entryway ramps. Meanwhile, in internet technology (IT) world, the hardware and software were designed by adding the hearing aids and braille signs. Nevertheless, the disability financial assistance program is also provided for basic needs such as shelter, rent, food and medications.

Throughout this program, the students’ representatives have learned a lot towards PWD awareness on a different level. The Government should help to give disabled people the opportunity to live an ordinary life by providing easy access and high-tech facilities for PWD everywhere from public building to public transportation and even at their university building. Hence, the representatives would bring the good impact of disable people awareness facility in Malaysia especially in UTM itself. Therefore, the involvements of all Malaysians include social media, NGO’s and families to spread this awareness by changing our mentality and live in harmony together as one community.

By: Ameer Syafiq Bin Badlissah

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