A senior lecturer from the UTM School of Human Resource Development and Psychology has been invited as a Guest Speaker in MonsoonSIM Sharing Session on August 11, 2019 at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
The event was in conjunction with International MonsoonSIM Enterprise Resource Management (MERM) Competition. The participants were from majority of ASEAN countries and Hong Kong, including newcomers of China and Australia.

Zulkifli’s presentation entitled ‘Active Learning in New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) through MonsoonSIM’, which was prepared along with Hj. Shafudin Mohd Yatim and Dr. Mohamad Shah Kassim.
As a MonsoonSIM certified trainer, Dr Zulkifli Khair argued that active learning, a student-centred approach as well as gamification and simulation are addressed by MonsoonSIM practice.
Zulkifli also has been invited as panellist in an international forum called Hong Kong Panel Discussion entitled ‘Challenges in Transforming Our Education’, on the same day.
Key speakers of the forum included Prof. Dr Peter Carey (Deakin University, Australia), Dr Ma Nang Laik (Singapore University of Social Science), Dr Teresa Gonzales (National University of Philippines), Ms Vanessa Ko (SAP, Hong Kong) and Mr. Kim Sheridan (USA).
“It is a great honour and pleasure to be invited as a speaker to the sharing session and forum, particularly in giving insight from adult learning perspective. We have accumulated substantial experiences and ideas toward 21st century education,” commented Zulkifli.
Founder of MonsoonSIM, Mr. Abdy Taminsyah said, “Dr Zulkifli’s presented a very compelling argument on the importance of Active Learning for today’s learners who are facing many of today’s immediate challenges.”
He added, “I am particularly struck by Dr Zulkifli’s view on the fact that MonsoonSIM is a platform in the market today that combines simulation and gamification for education purposes.”