Februari 7, 2025

Architectural Experts Invited as Keynote Speakers at The Annual International Seminar Organized by Universitas Subang, West Java, Indonesia.

Associate Professor Dr Raja Nafida binti Raja Shaminan, the Director of Centre for The Study of Built Environment in the Malay World (KALAM) and Dr Leng Pau Chung, the senior lecturer from Architecture Programme, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FBES), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) were invited as keynote speakers for an Annual International Seminar, which was a collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture and Engineering of Universitas Subang, West Java, Indonesia and the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FBES), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The one-day International Seminar was organized on 24 July 2019 at the Hall of Oman Sachroni (Aula Pemda Kabupaten Subang) in Subang, West Java Indonesia. Other than both invited speakers, the seminar was attended by the KALAM UTM fellow, Ar Noraslinda binti Abdul Rahman as lead researcher for the future research and course collaboration of KALAM.

The host of the annual seminar organized by Universitas of Subang, West Java Indonesia is rotated amongst the faculties in the school. In 2019, Programme of Architecture of FBES UTM was honored to be invited as keynote speakers for Architecture topic. The two topics delivered by Associate Prof Dr Raja Nafida binti Raja Shaminan and Dr Leng Pau Chung were “Heritage Building Documentation Process” and “Architectural Daylighting Performance and Simulation” respectively.

The annual seminar organized by Universitas of Subang was a major event of the university, which  was attended by the Regent of Subang district, Dr. Drs. H. Komir Bastaman SH.,M.Si; Rector of Universitas Subang, Dr.Ir.Drs H.A.Moeslihat Komara M.Si, Dean of Faculty of Technic, H.Deny Poniman K,SP.,MT; Head of Department of Architecture, Ir.Agus Maryono, MT., Deans of Faculty of Administration, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Computer Knowledge, Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Education Faculty of Magister and Public Administration in Universitas Subang as well as hundreds of participants from other university of the regions such as Institute of Technology of Bandung (ITB) and architecture students of the University.

The International Seminar was held as a platform to bridging the relationship between UTM and Universitas of Subang. Both Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Universitas Subang and FBES UTM are looking forward for future collaboration in the students exchange and knowledge transfer program, heritage documentation and research project in the year 2020.

International Seminar collaboration between Univertas Subang and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia on the Talk of Heritage Building Documentation Process and Architectural Daylighting Performance and Simulation.

The group photo with organizing committee and participants after the seminar session.

Group photo with Dean of Faculty of Technic.



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