Jom Sihat Mahasiswa by KTDI

Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa (JKM) Kolej Tun Dr. Ismail (KTDI) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in collaboration with Malaysian Health Promotion Board (MySihat) had successfully organized a fitness program called ‘Jom Sihat Mahasiswa bersama HEP’ which mainly focus on Zumba Fitness Workout. The Zumba session was instructed by Nurul Huda Zamzuri who is an Aerobics Instructor recognized by Ministry Youth and Sport (KBS). This program was held once a week during weekends starting from 14th April 2019 until 4th May 2019 which mean we had 4 sessions of Zumba Fitness Workout. Instead of having each session in our college, we took the challenge to go to different colleges for each week such as Kolej Perdana and Kolej Tun Fatimah so that we can attract more students from various colleges. The successful running of Jom Sihat Mahasiswa Bersama HEP was made possible by a strong team of 14 crew members.

On 14th April 2019, we had our first session of Zumba Workout and the opening ceremony for ‘Jom Sihat Mahasiswa Bersama HEP’ at Dataran Resak, KTDI. All the participants started to register at 5.00pm. then the ceremony began at 5. 30p.m.This program was successfully inaugurated by Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd Khata bin Jabor. After the ceremony, we had our first session started at 5.45pm for 1 hour. Most of the students managed to follow the steps from the beginning till the end of the session. At the end of the session, we gave refreshments for all the participants as an appreciation. For the second session on 21st April 2019, we held this program at Basketball Court, Kolej Tun Fatimah and the third session on 28th April 2019 at Dataran U4, Kolej Perdana. The last session on 4th May 2019 was held in KTDI again since the most crowds were coming from KTDI students. Our program received an overwhelming participation for each session with a total of 427 participants.

‘Jom Sihat Mahasiswa Bersama HEP’ was the first fitness program held by Kolej Tun Dr Ismail widely for UTM students and staff. This program was successful and we hope this program will be held again in the future so we can expose UTM students and staff towards a healthier lifestyle.  Below are some of the pictures taken during the program.


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