Februari 18, 2025

Undergraduate Research Program and Research Pitching Held at Department of Biosciences

Biosciences Student Development Committee (JKPP Biosains) had organized a half day program involving 1st year students and lecturers from several departments on 19th of March 2019. The event was conducted at the T02 Building, Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science. The program was carried out in accordance with the Faculty of Science Roadmap planning (MyRoadmap@FS) directed by Dr Nurriza Ab. Latif. The main objective of the program was to give students the opportunity to do research as early as possible.

The first program started at 2 pm with the Undergraduate Research Program (UGRP) Talk, presented by Dr Hasmerya Maarof from the Chemistry Department. UGRP is a program that provides second year students the platform to conduct research based on what they have learnt previously. The students may further work on the project for their final research project during the  4th year of their study. Students who had successfully completed the program were given certificates.

After the introductory talk, a pitching session involving students and lecturers who intended to be students’ research mentors was conducted.  During the session, the lecturers gave a 5-minute pitch on the research prospect that they would like to offer. The objective of the pitching session was to attract potential students to do the UGRP under their supervision. The maximum number of students per lecturer for the program was two. The Biosciences department has encouraged all lecturers to be part of this program. In doing so, they are creating a platform for  their students  to expand their academic experience intellectually and professionally.

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