Senior Lecturers from Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying Elected as Committee Members of Malaysian Institute of Planners, Southern Branch (MIPSB) Session 2019-2021

Congratulations to TPr. Dr Siti Hajar Misnan and TPr. Dr Gobi Krishna Sinniah from the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying for being elected as Committee Members of the Malaysian Institute of Planners, Southern Branch (MIPSB) for the session of 2019/2021. The appointments were announced during the recent election and MIPSB Annual General Meeting of 2019 which was held in Hotel Amari, Johor Bahru on 24th February 2019 (Sunday).

The faculty also would like to convey our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Assoc. Prof. TPr. Dr Hamid Saad for his hard work and dedication as the previous UTM representative in the committee.

MIPSB Session 2019-2021 will be led by TPr. Zamirzan Puji as the new Chairman, TPr. Mohd Husaini Mohd Hosnan as Vice Chairman and eleven (11) other committee members. TPr. Dr. Siti Hajar was elected as an Auditor and EXCO for Bureau of Professional Practice, meanwhile TPr. Dr. Gobi Krishna is EXCO for Bureau of Education and Publication. TPr. Dr. Gobi Krishna Sinniah also has been recently appointed as the EXCO for Malaysian Association of Social Impact Assessment (MSIA) for the second term.

The Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying wishes great success for their leadership and at the same time welcomes them to pursue more inclusive collaborations with professional institution and industries in the future.

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