Februari 10, 2025

12 External Evaluators for 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition

The department of Chemical Process Engineering (CPE) had organised the annual design seminar and exhibition on 4th April 2019 (Thursday) at Bilik Ilmuan 1 & 3, Anjungan Menara Razak. The programme provided a platform for the 12 groups of final year students of Bachelor of Chemical Process Engineering to present their final year capstone design project to the industrial and external evaluators. Students exhibited their designed plant on agricultural waste to wealth, palm oil processing, and natural gas processing plants.

The CPE design project committee (led by Prof Dr Ezzat Chan bin Abdullah) had ensured high participation from the external parties for the design project, to bridge the gaps between academic and industrial expectations, as well as to enable the students to converse technically with industrial players and academicians.  These initiative ultimately aimed to prepare the students for their future undertaking. These initiatives include the following:

  1. Three industrial experts are appointed to supervise 12 design project teams, who have visited the students for 8 times throughout one and half semester, namely Ir Mohamad Anwar Ahmad , Mr Hong Wai Onn,  Mr Chen Ching Liang.
  2. Three industrial experts and nine external academicians  are invited to evaluate the design project during the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition.
  3. Experience sharing by industrial expert during the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition by Ir Johan Adam Leong on his career as a chemical engineer to all CPE students.
  4. Design seminars by industrial experts on individual equipment design.

The industrial and external academician evaluators were invited for the evaluation during the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition, their names listed as follows:

  • Ir Johan Adam Leong – Enquest
  • Mr Faris Ibrahim – Petronas GTS
  • Ms Aida Mastura – Gamuda
  • Prof Mohammad Khalid – Sunway University
  • AP Dr Norliza Abd Rahman – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • AP Dr Mohd Shahbudin Mastar@Masdar – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • AP Dr Rashimi Gangasa Walvekar – Taylor’s University
  • Ir Dr Nor Yuliana Yuhana – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Dr Joseph Ho Yong Kuen – Monash University Malaysia
  • Dr Ban Zhen Hong – Xiamen University Malaysia
  • Dr Woon Kok Sin – Xiamen University Malaysia
  • Dr Tan Chee Keong – University Malaya

The 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition was a very successful event that the evaluators were happy with the works completed by the students. Some very positive feedback were received by the industrial partners, such as:

With my past experiences in evaluating design project in other universities, I would say, finally i can see some lights in the tunnel for future chemical engineers.

Great that all the supervision sessions went well, the students are very vocal and committed. They are great.

The students were excellent in the presentation, they have very good understanding of their own design. Overall, the quality of the projects are up to standard.

The design teams were awarded in the categories of Best Presentation Award and Best Design Award. The Best Design Award was won by “Group 5 – Oleo Kakoki Sdn Bhd” supervised by Prof Dr Tomoya Tsuji, and the team consisted of Nabilah binti Mohd Radzi, Nur Ayuni binti Abdul Manan, Mariana binti Jaman, Lee Peoy Ying, Mohd Amzar Najmi Mohd Nasher and Muhammad Syamil bin Lokman.

External Evaluators and CPE Department Design Committee


Sharing Session by Ir Johan Adam Leong


The Winner of the Best Design Award 2019


Participants of the 3rd MJIIT Chemical Engineering Design Seminar and Exhibition

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