Kuala Lumpur, 19 October 2018 – UTM Kuala Lumpur received a delegation from the College of Innovation, Thammasat University, Thailand, consisted of 11 academics and 20 support staff.
The delegates headed by Asst. Prof. Dr. Pravit Khaemasunun, Dean of College of Innovation was greeted by the Dean of Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics; Prof. Dr. Sha’ri Mohd Yusof, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Subari, the Director of Perdana Centre and his team.
The delegates were interested to discuss and explore the possibility for academic collaboration and development as well as exchange of ideas and experiences with regard to the programs in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy offered by the Perdana Centre.
The College of Innovation, Thammasat University also expressed their interest in signing an agreement if there were feasible academic activities that can be conducted between both universities. Further discussions with Perdana Centre will take place soon.