KUALA LUMPUR, 24 JANUARY 2018 – UTM International Kuala Lumpur organized a Leadership and Survival program called “UTM Leader’s Hike-Camp” located at the PDS Training Camp, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan.

A total of 30 participants from Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Syria, Egypt Malaysia joined the program.
In this program, all students underwent bonding and development activities including Great Explorace, Fishing, Bonding Games and BBQ which required them to work in a team and support each other to complete the program.
On the second day of the program, the students were brought to Cape Rachado, Lighthouse, Tanjung Tuan to hike a hill called Bukit Putih.
The student hiked for about 1.8km before reaching the beautiful peak. Later on the same day, the students were challenged with an obstacle course and jungle survival trekking.
The program reached its climax on the last day when the students were required to build their own raft before sailing to the sea. Overall, every student has shown great leadership qualities and enjoyed the program.