JOHOR BAHRU, 9 August 2017 – The Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in collaboration with Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia (UMP) has organized an International Service Learning Program (ISLP). This program had been conducted with the community at Felda Air Tawar 3, Kota Tinggi, Johor.

The program began on 16 July 2017 and ended on 7 August 2017. A total number of 22 students and 3 lecturers from UMP took part in this program. Meanwhile, 16 lecturers and 3 students from Faculty of Education UTM involved as the facilitators of the program.

Interestingly, the program was auspiciously supported by the nearby community with a total of 9 schools, in which 410 students from secondary and 100 students from primary schools involved in various events conducted throughout the program. EM Group Malaysia was also appointed as the strategic partner of this program.
In addition, a total of 50 residents, alongside with 60 youths and 8 adopted families from Felda Air Tawar 3 were also involved and had significantly contributed to the success of this program.
An ISLP is designed to strengthen an international collaboration between educational institutions in community service collaboration programs. In addition, the program also provides consultation and training for the implementation of the program, and provides services to the community despite the diverse cultures and languages.
These differences have created an agreement in the guidelines, rules and documentation associated with community service program management collaboration at the international level. This is a unique aspect of an ISLP.
The Faculty of Education will continue to promote New Academia Learning Innovation (NALI) through Service Learning. Various activities associated with open classroom learning were provided in the ISLP such as Bio Village Seminar, Bio Agro Community, LOHAS Community with KOSPEN, Kelab Suka Belajar Program, ICT for 21st Century Learning, Kampung Digital, Johor Culinary, Beliaprenur Program, Forum Perdana, Kuliyyah Dhuha and LOHAS Community.
On 3 August 2017, a Bio-village Seminar was held at the Felda Air Tawar 3 Hall and was attended by the ISLP 2017 participants, Felda Air Tawar 3 residents, students from 8 secondary schools chosen by Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah (PPD) Kota Tinggi and nearby communities.

In this seminar, the participants have demonstrated community service outcomes that have been successfully implemented together with the community.
The closing ceremony was officiated by the Social Development Officer of Felda Wilayah Johor Bahru, Hajjah Saedah Aziz accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Professor Dr Baharuddin Aris and the program manager, Mr. Shahrin Hashim.
This ISLP received positive responses from the participants.
All participants felt that the activities benefited them in many ways and they look forward to sharing positive experiences with their peers and colleagues at Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwekerto, Indonesia.
Professor Dr Baharuddin Aris, during his speech, commented that he was really satisfied with the sincere work that has been showed by all the ISLP’s participating students and staffs, and it would be for sure uplifting UTM’s NALI through Service Learning.