UTM Royal Belum Discovery, Gerik Perak

Gerik, Perak:- UTM Royal Belum Discovery, a UTM University Social Responsibility(USR) programme, took place at one of the many Orang Asal villages in Royal Belum, Gerik, Perak. The programme, which was conducted from 21 to 23 April 2017, witnessed the involvement of international students from Kenya, Bangladesh, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan, France and the United Kingdom, besides the participation of the local Malaysian students.

The programme started with team building activities followed by a community service at Aman Damai village, which was the Orang Asal settlement. The community service activities provided a tremendous opportunity for the international students to get close to the indigenous tribe of Malaysia. Such experience will enable the foreign students, particularly, to gain better perspective, understanding and knowledge of the diverse cultures and traditions that inherently existed in Malaysia.

The community service programme was aimed at educating the Orang Asal the importance of conservation and preservation of nature. One aspect of this aim that was emphasised was to keep the environment clean. A Gotong Royong activity to clean the community surrounding was then carried out, involving all the students and the Orang Asal community. Donation in the form of brooms, trash bins and trash bags was then given out as a gesture of goodwill in the hope that the Orang Asal community would continue to keep the environment clean and, thus, preserve and conserve nature.

The programme had benefitted the students a lot and it is hoped that more students, especially the international, will participate in similar future community service programmes organised by the university.

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