Februari 7, 2025

PUTRAJAYA, 30 November 2015 – UTM has been awarded a 6-Star rating by MyRA in recognition of its research, development and commercilaisation efforts in 2014, following the audit process of MyRA 2014 conducted in May 2015. This achievement means that UTM has successfully retained its Research University status.

The good news was further compounded by the announcement that two (2) of UTM’s centres of excellence (CoE) have been recognized as Higher Institution Centres of Excellence (HICoE). The two CoE are the Advanced Membrane Technology Research Centre (AMTEC) and the Institute of Noise and Vibration (INV).

These achievements were announced by YB Dato’ Seri Idiris Jusoh, the Minister of Higher Education in a ceremony held at his ministry today. Present to receive the awards were UTM Vice-Chancellor, Prof Datuk Ir. Dr Wahid Omar, UTM Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, as well as representatives of INV.

According to Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, this rating is a major UTM achievement following the transformation initiatives to promote the culture of research at UTM.

He added that the success of the two UTM CoE in being recognized as HiCoE is indeed a significant achievement, having gone through a stringent series of audit by the Ministry of Higher Education. With this recognition, UTM has a total of 3 HICoE, including the Wireless Communication Centre (WCC), which received the recognition in 2014.



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