Januari 24, 2025

ROBOCON 2015:UTM won Best Design Award


roboconUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia, representing Malaysia, has won Best Design Award in the ABU Robot Contest (ROBOCON) 2015 which was held at Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 22-23 August 2015. A multi-disciplinary UTM team consists of thirty-seven undergraduate students from four different faculties, i.e. Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM), Faculty of Science (FS) and Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering (FPREE). The team manager is Dr. Mohd Ridzuan bin Ahmad from FKE.

Founded in 2002, ABU ROBOCON, an annual robotic competition, aims to be a platform for developing autonomous robots to help humans (residential and industrial) in their daily life. The theme of the ABU ROBOCON competition is changing and set by the host country.

The theme for this year’s event is ‘Robominton’ introduced by host country Indonesia. A total of 19 teams from 18 countries were competing in the competition. Each team presented robots which could play badminton sport with robots from an opponent team. The winning of “Best Design Award” by Malaysia team showed that the quality of UTM’s students is recognized at international level.

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