Surabaya, 25 April 2015 – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) students proved their mettle at the Petroleum Integrated Days (PETROLIDA 2015) by clinching the top prize in the International Oil Rig Design Competition which was held in Surabaya, Indonesia from 24th to 25th April 2015.

The event was organised by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and received massive support from the Petroleum industry in Indonesia.

The team emerged victorious by beating a field of teams from ASEAN countries with their sophisticated and super realistic four-legged jacket production platform model.

The team members comprised 3rd year students from the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FKA) and Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering (FPREE). The team members were Muhammad Afifuddin Ahmad Zaki, Gilang Indra Rianto, Nur Amirah Nabilah Mohd Zamri and Nur Amirah Ambok Upek.

The champion was supervised by Associate Professor Dr. Norhazilan Md Noor from the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FKA), the course coordinator of Offshore Structure (SKAA 4233).

The UTM team received the highest marks for presentation,innovation, creativity, model detailing, load test and engineering elements. The model was built exactly like the actual oil rig production with the inclusion of two innovations namely infrasonic technology for real-time structure integrity
monitoring and ultraviolet radiation to mitigate microbiological induced
corrosion in pipeline.

Both innovations are based on the on-going research projects led by Prof. Dr. Nordin Yahaya from Reliability Engineering Research Group (RESA). The UTM team received a Rp. 3 million prize money

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