Czech Republic Ambassador to Malaysia UTM Visit Marks the Start of Future Collaboration between UTM and Universities of the Czech Republic

February 16, 2015 – The Czech Republic Ambassador to Malaysia, His Excellency Rudolf Hykl, accompanied by his Deputy Head of Mission, Mr. David Jarkulisch visited Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) to discuss possible academic and research collaboration between UTM and universities of the Czech Republic.

The discussions and interaction which transpired between the Czech Republic mission and UTM representatives, led by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Ir. Dr. Wahid Omar were indeed fruitful and rewarding.

A number of potential areas of collaboration in research, development and commercialization of research products, student and faculty exchange and joint academic programme in various fields of mutual interest such as Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, Alternative Energy, Biotechnology, Informatics and Infocommunication, were identified.

The initial visit of His Excellency Rudolf Hykl to UTM will be followed by a proposed second visit, comprising delegates from seven universities of the Czech Republic which will take place some time in May 2015.



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