JOHOR BAHRU, 17 August – About 90 mathematical experts including eight eminent scientists from all over the globe have participated in the 2nd International Mathematics in Industry Study Group Malaysia (MISG) 2014.

The three-days seminar held at Banquet Hall, Sultan Ibrahim Chancellory Building Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was officially opened by the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Mohd. Ismail Abd. Aziz.

Program Coordinator, Norsu’aidah Amir said that this program focused more on the discussion to resolve the problem of local industrial environmental issues by using mathematical modeling methods.

“In this intellectual discussion, the participants were divided into six groups to discuss the problems presented by the Malaysian industry,” she said.

Among the companies involved in this problem solution seminar were J- Biotech Environment Sdn Bhd., National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia (NAHRIM), Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Kumpulan Perubatan Johor (KPJ ) Health Care Sdn Bhd, Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad (PROTON) and UTM Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT).

The 2nd MISG 2014 aims to provide an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to work on solving real industrial problems through mathematical ideas and tools.

“This workshop covered many areas of mathematics in industry such as environment, automotive, agriculture, and health. We expect that the group discussions would create a successful joint venture between the industry, academia and government”, she said.

The seminar was organised by the UTM Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (UTM- CIAM), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science with collaboration with the Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (OCIAM) Oxford University and the State Government of Johor.


The industrial representatives observing the mathematical modeling formulas at MISG 2014 held at Banquet Hall, UTM Johor Bahru

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