17-21 MARCH 2014

Mathematics is an absolutely critical part of our future – and we can only maximise its impact for the public and private good over the next decade if we take the opportunity now.  It is multidisciplinary due to its vast scope of application and universal due to the effectiveness of its process. We have serious work to do here – to be prepared to deal with the new quantitative and qualitative challenges thrown up by this rapidly changing world – and to do that, we must be more agile than we are at present.

Related to that, industrial mathematics is a field of mathematical sciences which is growing rapidly. It is characterised by the origin of the problems that it engages; they come from industries:- research and development, finances, communications and so on. Solving an industrial problem could involve a wide variety of mathematical disciplines such as partial differential equations, integral equations, dynamical systems, control theory, probability and statistics, computational mathematics, applied algebra, and discrete mathematics. The goal is to acquire better understanding of industrial models and processes through mathematical modelling and computations.

In the past quarter century the world of mathematics has evolved from a single discipline to a cluster of intertwined subjects now usually termed mathematical sciences. These include, in addition to core fields, the applied areas of operations research, statistics, computer science, combinatorics, and mathematical programming. Industrial mathematics is a rapid growing field of mathematical sciences. It is characterised by the origin of the problems that come mainly from the industry. The goal is to acquire better understanding of industrial models and processes through mathematical modelling and computations.

The 2nd  Mathematics in Industry Study Group Malaysia (MISG 2014) aims to provide an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to work on solving real industrial problems through mathematical ideas and tools. MISG 2014 is a collaborative effort between UTM-CIAM (UTM Centre for Industrial & Applied Mathematics), OCIAM (Oxford Centre for Industrial & Applied Mathematics), Department of Mathematical Sciences, UTM and Johor State Government following the success of our previous International Seminar on Mathematics in Industry (ISMI 2013), 27-28 November 2013, UTM. The industrial problems for the workshop cover many areas of mathematics in industry such as environment, automotive, agriculture, and health. We expect that the group discussions would create a successful joint venture between industry, academia and government.

This workshop is the result of dedicated work of many people related to UTM- UTM-Centre for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (UTM-CIAM) and Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (OCIAM). We are grateful to the problem providers from J-BioTech, MARDI, NAHRIM, PROTON, KPJ, and PROSPECT, the eminent scientists, moderators, problem solvers, workshop organizing committees, and staff. We would also like to thank our sponsors.

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The industrial representatives discussing the mathematical modeling formulas at MISG 2014 held at Banquet Hall, UTM Johor Bahru.

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