UNIVERSITI Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) stands tall at the BioMalaysia 2012 when it won six gold, six silver and 11 bronze medals.
Prof. Dr. Wan Azlina Ahmad of Faculty Science won the most innovative award for her outstanding product “A SAFE, CHEAP AND NOVEL METHOD FOR DETECTION OF FORMALIN USING NATURAL COMPOUNDS” with a prize money of RM 3000.
The BioInnovation Awards in conjunction with BioMalaysia 2012 held at KLCC from 5th – 7th November 2012 is an initiative by the Malaysian Association of Research Scientists, BiotechCorp and PROTEMP Exhibitions to honour scientists and researchers from the private and public sector for outstanding achievements in research and development of biotechnology.
The categories for the Awards include Agriculture/Agro-based, Industry Industrial Research,Medical Research,Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals and Waste to Wealth.