KUALA TERENGGANU, 28 April –Two UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM) riders excelled in the 40 km endurance ride at the 2012 STC / Royal Terengganu Endurance Stable held at LembangBidong.
Vice Chancellor, Professor DatukDrZainiUjang and MdRinoAbd Rahim managed to secure 8th and 9th places from 41 riders after took 3:21:52 and 3:21:53 respectively to cross the finishing line.
Thirty three out of 41 riders who took part in the 40km category managed to finish the race.
They participated in the tournament to fulfill the invitation bythe Royal Terengganu Endurance Stable (RTES) that sends the largest number of rider totake part in the UTM International Johor Horse Show 2012 at Johor Bahrucampus from 11th to 15thApril 2012.
The Sultan’s of Terengganu youngest princess, TengkuFatimatuz Zahra binti Sultan MizanZainalAbidin also took part in the 40 km endurance ride began at 6.00 pm.
The tournament ended on 29thApril 2012, saw many riders from all over the country took part in the 80km, 120km and 160kmcategories.
Enduranceis a sport that requires a thorough understanding between the horse and rider, who must be attuned to the condition of his horse.
It calls for something more from the rider. While it is a test against the course, clock and other competitors, it is also attest of something deep within the rider.
Endurance requires high skills as this event really test the participants’ intelligence to control the pace of horses speed for the right time.
In addition of facing a variety of terrain at the specified path, riders must meet the time and compete with other riders.
During the race, riders are free to set the speed of his horse and adhere to a time set by ground juries once crossing the starting and finishing line.
If the riders arrive earlier or later than the set time, they will be eliminated from the competition.
Therefore, endurance is a sport that requires a comprehensive understanding between horse and rider adapting himself to his horse.
This tournament was really testing the participants’ physical and mental strength and established with horse throughout the endurance which takes a long time.
The first horse across the finish line and confirmed by the Veterinarian Officer as fit to continue the competition is declared the winner.