Januari 14, 2025

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Hartpury College, one of the best institutions in England and Europe offering Equine Studies will engage in programmes offering courses in Equine Management at Executive Diploma, Bachelor and Master’s level.

The visit by the Vice Chancellor, Dato Prof Dr Zaini Ujang to Hartpury College in West England was to discuss how the institution can assist UTM to start programmes in Equine Science and Equine Management.

There has been a request by the Malaysian Equine Council to have programmes related to equine and equestrian studies offered in universities and UTM is keen to take up the challenge in view of existing facilities and infrastructure already available in UTM under the purview of the UTM Equine Centre. Some courses which can be offered in UTM include Equine Management, Animal Behaviour and Welfare, Animal Nutrition, Rider and Equine Performance, as well as Horse Physiology and Therapy.

Research on performance of horses and how horses cope with heat in our weather is also worth looking into. The Hartpury College has had a long tradition in professional management of studies in Equine Science.

Engaging with them would be of benefit to UTM as we can gain insights from the wealth of experience of the Hatpury staff. This engagement would facilitate the setting up of a centre, the UTM Equine Academy, where UTM can work with Hartpury for joint programmes to make Equine studies in UTM academically and commercially viable.

UTM aims to offer not just the knowledge in equine studies but also training to identify talents in horse riding who can represent the nation. UTM also invited the Hartpury staff to be part of the Equine Seminar as paper presenters in conjunction with the UTM International Johor Horse Show 2012 in April 2012.

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