Februari 11, 2025

Assalamualaikum and Greetings.

Today marks three years of my tenure as the Vice Chancellor of UTM . My sincere appreciation and gratitude to all staff and students at all levels as well as alumni for their concerted effort alongside me to develop UTM. Three years swiftly pass by with UTM gaining wonderful achievements in various fields. My heartfelt thank you to everyone. Beginning October 1, I have been given a new mandate by MOHE to lead UTM for another 2 years. I hope that all staff, students and alumni will continue to consolidate efforts to make UTM a renowned institution not just in Malaysia but in the region as well.

Thank you. Wassalam


Hari ini genap 3 tahun saya berkhidmat sebagai Naib Canselor UTM. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua staf dari pelbagai peringkat dan mahasiswa serta alumni yang bertungkus-lumus bersama saya memajukan UTM. Dalam kesibukan kita tempoh 3 tahun berlalu pantas dengan warna-warni pencapaian dalam pelbagai bidang. Terima kasih.

Mulai 1 Oktober, saya diberi mandat baru oleh KPT selama 2 tahun lagi sebagai NC. Justeru saya sekali lagi memohon supaya semua staf, mahasiswa dan alumni terus bersatu padu membantu saya memantapkan lagi UTM bukan sahaja sebagai universiti ulung di Malaysia malah rantau ini.

Terima kasih. Wassalam.

Today marks three years of my tenure as the Vice Chancellor of UTM . My sincere appreciation and gratitude to all staff and students at all levels as well as alumni for their concerted effort alongside me to develop UTM. Three years swiftly pass by with UTM gaining wonderful achievements in various fields. My heartfelt thank you to everyone. Beginning October 1, I have been given a new mandate by MOHE to lead UTM for another 2 years. I hope that all staff, students and alumni will continue to consolidate efforts to make UTM a renowned institution not just in Malaysia but in the region as well.

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