Skudai, 9th March: Two officers from the Special Innovation Unit (UNIK) of the Prime Minister Department paid a courtesy visit to Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Ir. Dr. Zaini Ujang at his official residence this morning.

Mr. Badrul Illahan Abd Ghafar and Rizatuddin Ramli were here to accompany Professor Dr. Roger Welsh from Isis Innovation, Oxford University who has been appointed by UNIK to assist in commercializing research and development products.

They spent almost an hour to discuss efforts to commercialize research and development products of UTM which were attended by Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and International, Professor Ir. Dr. Mohd Azraai Kassim, Director of Research and Management Centre (RMC), Professor Dr. Ruzairi Abd Rahim and Director of Innovation and Commercialization Centre (ICC), Professor Dr Azhar Abd Aziz.

UNIK is an agency under the Prime Minister Department set up December last year to census on intellectual property at five universities in the country and to identify potential products for commercialization.

Meanwhile, Welsh in an interview after the discussion said, UTM have a clear research centre, well organized and developed solutions, focus on niche area and take into account the market needs while referring to Wireless Communication Center (WCC) headed by Professor Dr. Tharek Abd Rahman.

Welsh said the centre provides short training courses and has industry research contract.
He also said, to become a good university, UTM should be excellent in publication.

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