From Hosting to Visiting: FKT’s Dr. Zainul Akmar Engages in the Erasmus+ Program

With the onset of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our life and digitalization of everything that matters, communication and dissemination of information is becoming faster by the day. Nevertheless, human-natured and physical face-to-face interaction will always remain relevant notably for its empathy, happiness and plenty of memory-creating moments that comes with it.

One such platform is the Erasmus+ (read as Erasmus Plus) program that offers financial and logistical supports for students, staff and other higher education institution (HEI) personnel, which enables them to undertake short-term mobility experiences, both within and outside the European Union (EU). Erasmus+ offers a wide range of options to study or do internships abroad, give lectures, professional development, capacity building and strengthening/ creating cooperation networks. HEI from the EU can host the visits of colleagues from other HEIs from all over the world and vice versa.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has long been an active partner country to the Erasmus+ program and through UTM International, regularly shares open calls for Erasmus+ internship opportunities to its staff. At the same time, UTM also encourage staff mobilization from EU countries to either its Johor Bahru, Kuala Lumpur or Pagoh campus.

One example of beneficiary for this scheme is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainul Akmar Zakaria, currently the Manager (External and Global Engagements) for the Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering (FKT), who recently had the privilege to experience both “hosting” and “visiting” capacities for the Erasmus+ programs.

Last November, Dr. Zainul successfully hosted the visit from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tania Mazzuca Sobczuk from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Almeria, Spain to FKT, UTM. Her five days visit (24 – 28 November 2024) was fully funded by the Erasmus+ KA-171 Staff Mobility For Teaching program. During her time in UTM, Dr. Tania was involved in various activities including sharing session with FKT’s postgraduate students on Microalgae Propagation, visits to the Advanced Membrane and Technology Centre (AMTEC), FKT and the Microalgae laboratory at the Faculty of Science, and discussions with FKT’s and UTM International management teams.

Dr Tania (4th from left) and the FKT’s management team

Dr. Tania also had the opportunity to share best practices in incorporating research element in her teaching activities which was thoroughly elaborated during her Podcast session on “Blended-Intensive Program (Research-led Teaching) – Experience in Universidad de Almeria”. This Podcast session was made possible through the cooperation from UTM Center for Advancement in Digital and Flexible Learning (CDEX).

Dr. Tania (seated, left) with the UTM CDex production crew during the Podcast session

Besides teaching and learning activities, she also visited the Tanjung Piai National Park, Johor where she was simply amazed by the biodiversity available and the concerted efforts from various agencies to preserve the mangroves population in the area.

Dr. Tania visits concluded with a courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor’s office where she had brief discussion with Prof. Datuk Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, who at that time was about to finish his term as UTM’s seventh Vice Chancellor after four years of guiding UTM to further success as HEI. During this visit, Dr. Tania was accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mimi Haryani Hassim from FKT (who visited Dr. Tania in Universidad de Almeria under the Erasmus+ program in August 2024) and Dr. Ain Naadia Mazlan, UTM’s Institutional Coordinator for Erasmus+ Global Strategy & Engagement.

Courtesy visit to the then UTM’s Vice Chancellor’s office with Dr. Ain Naadia Mazlan (far left)  from UTM International and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mimi Haryani Hassim (far right) from FKT

Apart from hosting Dr. Tania, and thanks to the guidance from Dr. Ain Naadia, Dr. Zainul was also privileged to visit one HEI in AN EU country under the Erasmus+ program. In the just concluded 17 – 21 March 2025 trip to the Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Geel campus, Belgium, Dr. Zainul participated (as international invitee) in various activities befitting the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training agreement, signed before the trip.

During the 17 – 21 March 2025 period, all activities were centered around the main event hosted i.e the 20th Thomas More International Days where almost 60 – 70 international invitees congregated in Thomas More Geel campus together with 700 of Thomas More undergraduate students from various faculties.

During the Opening Ceremony of the 20th Thomas More International Days

The 17th of March was allocated for participants registration process followed by a visit to the university’s first commercial 3D printed facilities that is totally run by students.

The following day focused on networking activities amongst the international invitees as well as with Thomas More’s academic and non-academic staffs. The day proceeded with a visit to Johnson & Johnson’s Geel premise. All international invitees were stunned when told that the very premise itself produces almost 60% of all Johnson & Johnson’s pharmaceutically active ingredients that would be distributed around the world. Upon reaching the university, the day continued with a Keynote Session on the topic of Multi-cultural Integration and Ethics followed by Dinner session. Thomas More’s effort in renaming the Dinner session to Iftaar session must be probably lauded as this shows their high awareness level on current international happenings notably the month of Ramadhan.

Dr. Zainul (center) with two delegates from Curacao (the Netherlands) during the networking session

On 19th of March, all international invitees delivered a 2-3 hours classroom lecture to students who have pre-registered for specific lecture sessions. As for Dr. Zainul, he delivered his sharing on University-Government-Industry Nexus in R&D: case of pineapple and oil palm kernel shell to around 10 students from the Construction & Energy Engineering and the Agriculture & Biotechnology faculties. During the session, Dr. Zainul also shared some information about UTM and FKT in general. Overall, the session was well received by the students who in turn expressed their desire to further their studies in UTM in the future.

With undergraduates who attended the classroom lecture session

For 20th of March, the day was dedicated to the Hackathon session. During this session, international invitees were divided into a smaller group of 3-4 persons where they were tasked to supervise around 15-20 undergraduate students in a mini project entitled “How can we design a sustainable smart farming system that optimizes resource usage?”. The session which started at 8.15am culminated with a 1-minute pitching session by the students in the afternoon.

Student’s group discussion during the Hackathon session


Student’s 1-minute pitching of the outcome from the Hackathon session


Dr. Zainul with Dr Rumane (left) from Romania and Dr. Bastorz (right) from Poland acted as Group Mentors for the Hackathon session

On 21st of March, there were no specific events organized by the host, rather it was allocated for a non-formal meet up/ discussion between international invitees and Thomas More’s staffs before official closing session of the 20th Thomas More International Days.

Overall, the Erasmus+ program provides excellent opportunities for HEI from EU countries to host the visit of staffs from HEI from Erasmus+ partner countries around the world (including UTM). The Erasmus+ program also enables mobilization of staffs from EU countries to the Erasmus+ partner countries. By having such platform, it is envisaged that internationalization practice, notably for UTM, can be boosted further from the strengthening of current connection with HEI in EU countries as well as creating new networks with other HEIs in EU countries as new active partners.

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