BQSM Accreditation for UTM Quantity Surveying Program

JOHOR BAHRU, Jan 15 – The Department of Quantity Surveying under the Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying (FABU), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) hosted an accreditation evaluation program to review the quality of the current curriculum of Bachelor of Quantity Surveying with Honours program. The evaluation panels were appointed by the Board of Quantity Surveying Malaysia (BQSM) to evaluate all aspects of curriculum thoroughly to be line with the requirement of BQSM as the professional body in the Quantity Surveying profession.

The evaluation panels were led by Associate Professor Sr Dr. Saipol Bari Abd Karim from Faculty of Built Environment at Universiti Malaya (UM) and supported by Associate Professor Sr Dr. Norazian Mohd Yusuwan from College of Built Environment Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Sr Muhammad Imran Zin Zawawi from Malaysian Public Works Department (JKR) and Razif Mohamed as the BQSM Secretariate. The program was attended by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sukri Saud, director of UTM Centre for Curriculum and Academic Quality (UTMCAQ) and his team. Meanwhile, Professor Dr. Kherun Nita Ali, the Dean of FABU; Assoc. Prof. Lar Dr. Sapura Mohamad, Deputy Dean in Academic and Student Affairs; and Dr. Norliza Mohd Isa, Assistant Dean in Quality and Strategy also attended on behalf of the faculty. All members of the Quantity Surveying department were present as the program organizers to provide the best accommodation to the panels.



The program is aimed to evaluate the curriculum of the department and gather suggestions for improving teaching methodologies within the department in line with the requirements of BQSM. By involving established academicians from top universities in Malaysia and an industry professional from a credible organization, the aim was to gather innovative ideas to enhance the program’s effectiveness in producing competitive graduates for the advancement of Quantity Surveying profession.

The agenda began with an opening remark by the Dean of FABU to convey warm greetings to the panels on behalf of the faculty. Afterwards, the Quantity Surveying program director Sr. Dr. Zuhaili Mohamad Ramly delivered a welcoming speech. The director then provided a comprehensive introduction of the department and the Bachelor of Quantity Surveying with Honours program. This was followed by welcome speeches from the head of the accreditation panels Associate Professor Sr Dr. Saipol Bari Abd Karim, whom shared the expectations before starting the review session. Upon establishing expectations and hope from both sides of the table, the accreditation review begins.

The review included examining all teaching course files for the entire program, interviewing the external examiners appointed by the department, cross-examination with the graduate employers, and having a dialogue with current students and alumni to extract feedbacks and recommendations for the program. The individuals interviewed had voluntarily contributed to the review session for improving the program effectiveness.

Other than that, the department members also provided extensive learning materials like theses and curriculum handbooks for reference of the evaluating panels. The panels then held a meeting with all department members for gaining new insights, ideas and identifying pressing issues from the department’s perspectives to be included in the evaluation report. The evaluating panels managed to gather many significant important information for improvement during the extensive interviews and meetings.

Finally, the examiners toured the department facilities available for the students. The facilities include the computer labs, faculty library, the newly developed Dewan Premier Sarawak and Built Environment Extended Reality Lab (BEXeR). The department members have served the panels with presentation for each of the facilities which are serving immersive learning experience for students and aspired to uplift FABU as the “Faculty of Choice”.

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The accreditation program lasted for two days with the second day as the checking completion of all documents in the Bachelor of Quantity Surveying with Honours curriculum. Ultimately, the program concluded with the evaluation panels’ presentation of their findings. In general, the three examiners provided positive feedback in terms of the efficiency of program conduct to produce high impact teaching and cultivate practical learning. In the spirit of continuous improvement, the examiners have expressed multiple suggestions based on their evaluation for improving the program conduct. The department members have diligently taken note of all points given by the panels and justify the particulars that are deemed necessary. The comments and suggestions were welcomed with open heart and agreed with the proposed refinements to be considered for further improvements.


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Ultimately, the evaluation panels expressed their deep appreciation for the warm welcome and accommodation by UTM throughout the accreditation evaluation process and honoured to be involved in the enhancement of UTM Quantity Surveying curriculum. As a token of appreciation, the department presented souvenirs to the evaluation panels and expressed the sincerest gratitude for their contributions. As the evaluation panels set off, both parties expressed their similar hope to see that this evaluation can lead to positive development in Quantity Surveying curriculum for the next generation that will propel the future construction industry.

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