KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 – The Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur, successfully hosted the Rigorous Research in Engineering Education (RREE) 2024 workshop from November 26 to 27, focusing on developing advanced data analysis skills among researchers in engineering education. Held in the Sakura Room at MJIIT, the workshop was a key step in equipping researchers to produce impactful and credible findings. The distinguished speakers for this 2-days workshop are the expert from Centre for Engineering Education (CEE) – Prof. Dr. Fatin Aliah Phang and Dr. Nor Farahwahidah Abd Rahman.
The first day of RREE 2024 began with an Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis led by Dr. Nor Farahwahidah Abd Rahman. Her session emphasized the importance of a strong foundation in quantitative data analysis techniques to ensure valid and reliable research outcomes. Participants were introduced to effective strategies for handling complex data and learned to address common challenges in research. Next topic focused on “Validity and Reliability,” which are critical aspects of quantitative research. Dr. Nor Farahwahidah highlighted the importance of ensuring that data collection instruments measure what they intend to, enabling researchers to build trust in their results. The day concluded with a reflection session, where participants summarized key learnings and prepared for the following day.
Day 2 shifted focus to qualitative research methods, led by Prof. Dr. Fatin Aliah Phang. In her morning session on “Qualitative Data Analysis,” she guided participants through the process of coding, identifying patterns, and deriving meaningful insights from qualitative data. This session helped participants understand the value of context and depth in qualitative research, providing a richer perspective on complex educational phenomena. In the afternoon, the workshop addressed “Trustworthiness in Research,” a crucial element for ensuring that qualitative findings are credible, transferable, and dependable. Prof. Dr. Fatin Aliah stressed the importance of meticulous data management, triangulation, and researcher reflexivity to enhance the quality of qualitative studies.

The RREE 2024 workshop underscored the importance of rigorous data analysis in engineering education research. With engineering education evolving to meet 21st-century demands, the ability to conduct high-quality research is essential for addressing challenges such as industry readiness, technological advancements, and global education standards. By equipping researchers with both quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills, the workshop empowered participants to produce meaningful and actionable findings. In turn, supports the development of innovative teaching strategies and policies that align engineering education with current and future demands.

The event concluded with a reflection and discussion session, allowing participants to share their insights and takeaways. The practical approach of RREE 2024 received widespread appreciation for its relevance and applicability. Dr. Nabilah Zaini, the RREE 2024 Programme Director, expressed gratitude to all speakers and participants, highlighting that workshops like these are vital for advancing research capabilities in Malaysia and beyond. This event reaffirms MJIIT’s and CEE’s commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in engineering education research. For inquiries or training invitations, please contact cee@utm.my.

By Dr. Nur Ayuni Shamsul Bahri, Associate Fellow of Centre for Engineering Education