KUALA LUMPUR, 16th Jan. – The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur, orchestrated the Plastics/Electronic Waste Treatment Proposal Pitching Competition 2024. This initiative was specifically tailored for students enrolled in the “Introduction to Chemical Process Engineering” course, encompassing freshmen pursuing a Bachelor of Chemical Process Engineering. Additionally, it was extended to second-year students pursuing a Bachelor of Electronic System Engineering as a University Free Elective (general course). The event served as a dynamic platform for emerging engineers to unveil their innovative solutions, addressing the pressing issues of plastics and electronic waste.
The pitching competition also functioned as the presentation session for the project assessment within the subject. The primary focus of the project was to immerse students in fundamental chemical process engineering concepts, incorporating elements such as process block flow diagrams and unit operations. Importantly, the project emphasized the significance of sustainability, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the circular economy. Students commenced their journey by conducting a comprehensive survey, evaluating the critical nature of the plastics and electronic waste problem. Subsequently, they crafted innovative treatment systems to effectively address the identified challenges. Notably, in consideration of their academic majors, chemical engineering students directed their focus on plastic waste, a topic widely discussed in the public domain.

Remarkably, this marks the inaugural offering of the course as a university elective for second-year students in electronic system engineering. In this project, electronic engineering students concentrated on proposing electronic waste (e-waste) treatment processes, enhancing their awareness of consumer products within their major field and connecting it with fundamental chemical engineering principles. The decision to integrate this subject into the curriculum initially faced skepticism from students due to its distinct nature from their majors. However, the competition illuminated the students’ ability to confidently articulate complex chemical process engineering methods, showcasing proficiency in explaining treatment systems for consumer waste derived from products within their field.
To elevate the competition, six distinguished engineers from Petronas GTS/PD&T were invited to provide invaluable industrial insights. This group included Ms. Zalina Harun (Principal, Process Simulation and Optimization), Mr. Faris Ibrahim (Principal, Process Design), Mr. Wan Ahmad Akram (Principal, Treating), Mr. Abd Rahim Norman (Staff, Process Simulation and Optimization), Ms. Norhidayah Hussien (Staff, Process Simulation and Optimization), and Ir. Shahnaz Fariz Isa (Executive, Electrical). This unique opportunity empowered students to gain firsthand knowledge from professionals, setting the stage for them to formulate goals in technical knowledge and presentation skills for their academic journey over the next 3.5 years in the program.

Both industrial and academic evaluators, representing expertise in chemical and electrical engineering fields, expressed admiration for the students’ ability to navigate and comprehend the interdisciplinary aspects of the competition. The success of this initiative is not merely a testament to the students’ capabilities but also underscores the importance of fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration in addressing contemporary global challenges.
The session ended with a conluding remarks by Prof. Ts. Dr. Ali bin Selamat (Dean, MJIIT) and the Award Ceremony. Hizbullah bin Fathurrahman, Yap Teik Yeong and Henry Lim Kim Yuan are awarded the Best Presenter for each parallel session. As the competition concludes, it leaves an indelible mark on the university’s commitment to providing a holistic education that equips students with the skills and knowledge to tackle real-world issues. The Plastics/Electronic Waste Treatment Proposal Pitching Competition stands as a beacon of innovation and collaboration, demonstrating the potential of young engineers to make a meaningful impact on society.

In the effort of improving student learning motivation, the subject also incorporates industrial sharing sessions for students to gain a broader understanding of the field. Notable speakers include Eur. Eng. Ir. Johan Adam Leong (Operations Performance Leader, EnQuest) and Eur. Eng. Ir. Sanmarkam Dhana Sigh (Electrical Engineer (Distribution), PrefChem). These sessions aim to be enlightening for students who are new to the chemical industry as both chemical and electronic engineers. The speakers share their experiences in the working environment of the chemical industry and their journey toward becoming professional engineers. Additionally, they offer personal advice to students for their preparation in future working environments.