Commemorative planting a tecoma tree by Japanese Ambassador and Madam Takahashi Mami

Japanese Ambassador to Malaysia explores Pagoh Education Hub’s collaborative endeavours

PAGOH – On August 24, 2023, His Excellency Takahashi Katsuhiko, the Japanese Ambassador to Malaysia, visited the Pagoh Education Hub to strengthen the relationship between Japan and Malaysia and promote academic and research excellence. Mr. Huzaimi Amir Zainudin, the Director of Pagoh Education Hub, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, and distinguished representatives from various educational institutions within the hub warmly welcomed the Japanese Ambassador. This visit signifies a significant milestone in the growing relationship between the two countries and highlights the vital role of the Pagoh Education Hub in fostering educational collaborations.

Japan ambassador visits MJARC UTM Pagoh 24 August 2023

The event was also attended by directors from prominent Malaysian educational institutions, including the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Polytechnic Tun Syed Nasir, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), and the Malaysia-Japan Advanced Research Centre (MJARC).


In his welcoming address, Professor Ts. Dr. Ali Selamat, the Dean of the Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), expressed UTM’s gratitude for Japan’s continued commitment and collaboration. He highlighted the institute’s mission to promote knowledge exchange and facilitate cross-cultural learning experiences, which have played a crucial role in producing graduates with a global perspective and a deep understanding of diverse academic disciplines.


One of the highlights of the visit was the engagement with the Malaysia-Japan Advanced Research Centre (MJARC) led by Ts. Dr. Pramila Tamunaidu provided a glimpse into the centre’s cutting-edge initiatives, encompassing a wide array of research domains from green technology to waste management and waste-processing technologies. Collaborative research projects between Malaysian and Japanese scholars were highlighted, underscoring the significance of synergistic efforts in addressing waste management challenges.

Towards the end of the visit, a commemorative gesture was performed by planting a Tecoma tree, also known as the Malaysian Sakura. This tree was chosen due to its resilient nature and the vibrancy of its blossoming flowers. The tree was jointly planted by the Japanese Ambassador and Madam Takahashi Mami, the spouse of the Ambassador. This act symbolised the enduring growth and flourishing partnership that the two nations aim to achieve.

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