17 June 2023 – The third topic of the TIME (Technology & Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship) Bootcamp’s guest speaker series, titled “Regional Innovation & Entrepreneurship Strategies: Perspectives from MENA,” was held on June 17th, 2023. This informative session explored the innovative and entrepreneurial strategies and perspectives unique to the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, providing valuable inspiration and knowledge.
The organizer and lecturer for the Creativity and Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation courses at Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, Dr Noorlizawati, emphasized the significance of comprehending regional innovation ecosystems.
“The MENA region has witnessed remarkable growth and transformation in recent years, and this session aims to shed light on the strategies and opportunities driving innovation and entrepreneurship in this dynamic region,” she explained.
Engr. During his speech, Mohamed Aboud, the CEO of Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Company, shared his expertise in regional innovation and entrepreneurship. He provided valuable insights into the MENA ecosystem, discussing the factors contributing to its entrepreneurial growth, such as government support, access to funding, and a vibrant innovation culture. He also shared success stories to illustrate his points.
In his address, Engr. Mohamed Aboud emphasized the unique entrepreneurial landscape of the MENA region, stating,
“The MENA region is a hotbed of innovation and entrepreneurship. The diverse cultures, abundant resources, and emerging markets create a fertile ground for entrepreneurs to thrive. It’s a region ripe with opportunities waiting to be explored”
Participants were captivated by Engr. Mohamed Aboud’s engaging presentation as he highlighted the unique challenges and opportunities faced by entrepreneurs in the MENA region. His firsthand experiences and expert knowledge provided a deeper understanding of the entrepreneurial landscape in this dynamic part of the world.
Commenting on how the content relates to her field of study and career aspirations, Uwarani Krishnan, a student from the UTM-MOSTI collaborative Master of Professional Science program, highlighted that,
“MOSTI has initiated a similar initiative called the i-Connect program under Academy of Sciences Malaysia. The goal is to facilitate Malaysian industries to leverage on science and technology to develop innovative home-grown products and solutions to pursue new economic opportunities in emerging global markets while nurturing the growth of conducive innovations ecosystems based on collaborative networks. It would be beneficial if MOSTI, through its i-Connect platform, accept the proposed regional program by the speaker, and host it within the Southeast Asia region. This would facilitate knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and the exploration of joint opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation among countries in the region”
Abdel Gader, an international student in the Master in Engineering Business Management program, shared his thoughts,
“Mohamed’s insights on the MENA region’s innovation ecosystem were truly fascinating. It broadened my understanding of the unique challenges and dynamics involved in launching and growing businesses in this diverse market. It piqued my interest in exploring opportunities in the MENA region”
It is important for aspiring entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to have a grasp of regional innovation and entrepreneurship strategies—the valuable insights shared by Engr. Mohamed Aboud shed light on the exciting opportunities that exist in the MENA region. As the business landscape continues to evolve, it is essential for students to adopt a global mindset.