Jawatankuasa Kolej Mahasiswa Kolej Siswa Jaya (JKM KSJ), with the collaboration of Persatuan Mahasiswa Islam (PMI), inaugurate the programme, Barakah Ramadan ‘23, which is going to be held from 23rd March until 19 April 2023 during Majlis Perasmian Barakah Ramadan ’23.
The programme started from 7.30 p.m to 9.30 p.m at Surau Kolej Siswa Jaya and was attended by the college principal, college fellows and KSJ’s students. The special guest during the occasion was Al-Fadhil Ustaz Khairudin bin Ramli. Al-Fadhil Ustaz delivered a talk on the specialty of the month of Ramadan.
Majlis Perasmian Barakah Ramadan ‘23 was held to welcome the Holy month of Ramadan. Various programmes and activities which will be held during the was introduced to the students by Dr. Mohamed Azlan bin Suhot.
The programme continued with the handing over of a mock check from Ustaz Khairudin bin Ramli as the representative of the UTMKL Islamic Center to JKM KSJ worth RM 28,000.00 as sponsorship for the Iftar Harian at Kolej Siswa Jaya.
After the Isyak prayer, a small feast was prepared for the people who attend the occasion before the programme ended.
Prepared by:
Nur Arina Mahirah binti Mohammad Akmal